
Showing posts from January, 2021

Eating Difficulties and Feeding Therapy – Dos and Don’ts

Notoriety and stubbornness are typical child traits. All of us have been there and thrown rants and tantrums. Hats off to parents for enduring and keeping up with the rants. A big struggle upon parents is instilling healthy eating habits for kids. Children often get finicky when they do not get what they want. Although parents can work up a strategy of throwing in chocolate cookies or creamy doughnuts every once in a while, there is the bigger worry of your children liking these sweetish treats, just too much. With the introduction of brands such as Complan, nutrition, and taste are both catered. These creamy and cheesy delicacies score full marks on taste, but mostly none, on the parameters of nutrients and child nutrition. Parents often worry about the lack of nutrients in their children's diets. And then, Complan for kids came to the rescue during childhood days, as it offered the much-needed nutrition along with taste through chocolate, vanilla, and other flavours.   For s