Reasons Why A Child Is A Picky Eater And Tips To Help Them

Being a parent is always going to be a difficult job. One of the most important things you need to take care of is nutrition for child. You have to make sure your children eat all things that are important for them in their formative years. However, it is easier said than done. If you are lucky, and we mean really lucky, your child will eat pretty much everything you feed them without any fuss. But if you happen to parent a picky eater, you are in for a roller coaster ride. There are numerous reasons why a child is a picky eater. Some of the most common reasons include personality traits, the influence of the people around them, and parental control. Instead of looking for the reasons why your child is a picky eater, you need to look for things to tackle the problems or tips for picky eaters. In this article, we are going to talk about a few ways to help them and mention some healthy food for picky eaters.

  • Encourage family style meals

These days, people miss out on family meals because of their busy schedules. This may be one of the reasons why your children are picky eaters. Make sure you encourage the practice of family style meals. Watching their parents eat the same food as them may encourage them to be open to trying the food items they usually avoid. If you truly care about nutrition for child, make sure there are no distractions during the meal.

  • Incorporate more variety in the meal

As they say, variety is the spice of life. The same goes with meals for children too. For example, we know that green vegetables are good for our health. But if you expect your child to eat them 4 days a week, they are obviously going to be fussy about it. Instead, include a variety of food in their meal and let them explore their taste buds.

  • Involve kids in meal planning

One of the most efficient ways of tackling picky eater problems is to involve kids in meal planning. Ask them what they would like to eat. It will make them feel like their opinion is important to you, and as a result, they may be a little cooperative while eating.

  • Make food more interesting

Some food items are always going to be the bane of our existence, no matter how important they are. For example, milk is essential for healthy growth, but kids often make excuses to avoid it. What you can do to tackle this problem is that you can make it interesting by adding things like Complan healthy drink to it. Apart from providing added nutrients, there are also numerous Complan flavours to choose from.

  • Keep trying

Don’t lose your patience because your child refuses to eat a food item once. Keep trying and give your children at least 10 attempts to like or dislike a food.

These were our tips for picky eaters. We hope they will prove handy while raising a picky eater. At the end of the day, you learn from your experiences and be a better parent in the process.

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